Hi! Today I am tolking abaut my blogging experience.
The blogging experience is new for me. I`m not a girl who like the tecnology, and the computers too much, I only used it for thing who are necesaries , and well for playing too. To have a blog is funny, but I think that is it too public, and I dont like that the people know many thing of me. Is like a diary, but anybody can see it, because of it I will not like write personal things of me, but I dont bother me have a blogg for my english class. Is a new kind of learning, much fanny and creative that the usual forms, like home work. Also we can interact whit ours classmates and see what they think about the same topic that I see.
The blogg is a funny way to lear more english, specially learn to write in english, improve the vocabulary, do it more fluid, and dont have so afraid to mistake. I am very happy whith how my english is better know, and specially how i can say what i want, with mistakes, of course, but i can do it better.
The bad thing of the blogg, is the hour when we do it, too late, and i dont like go home so late, but in general, is funny. Other bad thing of the blog is that i dont really know if I am doing it right, specially in the syntax of the phrases, the part what is more grammatical, also the word we need to know for ours career its very specify.
But how ever, do the blogg is much better than the regular class and methods of class, and I like it. It is more interactive and funny.
Bye!. Pancha
I agree with you in the way that I don't like the technology and also in the part that the blog didn't give you privacy.
ResponderEliminarkisse bye
i agree with you when you say that its to public. and also i know that your are not a technolgy person but you know the blogg its too more funniest than a class
ResponderEliminarI'm agree with you with the time... It is too late to go home!!
ResponderEliminari think that this our is to late we are so hurry to write this that some times we comet mistakes becasue we wanted to finish fast and go home.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarNice, Francisca.
ResponderEliminarThis is the marking criteria:
Task: 3 pts, lexis: 1.5 pts, Grammar: 1.5 pts= 6pts
Final grade: 4.7
More comments in class.